Adjudication came into force in May 1998 to assist in the
movement of cash quickly and efficiently through the clients,
contractors and sub-contractors. Brian Evans Associates has
successfully carried out a large number of Adjudications and
can offer expert assistance in the issues it highlights.
These include:-
> Contract documentation received or issued - is it compliant
with the"Construction Act"?
> What are your current or future risks of either a compliant
or non-compliant contract?
> What is the current status of your cash flow and the
payment of future sums, including the agreement of variations
and claims?
> Are you being targeted for an Adjudication that may cause
an overpayment to your supplier - at your expense?
> Are the mechanisms in place to withold monies legally
> Would you benefit from seeking support to solve problems
with final accounts?
Have you procedures in place to ensure you protect all your
payment rights when an employment contract is terminated or
determined? These are just some of the issues raised by Adjudication
- there are many more. Our highly experienced and skilled
professional staff are able to provide advice and assistance
on any query you may have.
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